Achieve TRUE Freedom When You Finally Discover Your God-Given Purpose

Join Kingdom Genius to discover, develop, and 

deploy your God-Given genius so that you can live life with More

impact , passion and purpose

You have GENIUS Inside You

This Genius is the key to unlocking purpose, clarity, and fulfillment in your life.

But if you don’t believe me when I say you have GENIUS inside of you - that’s OK. Doubting the genius in you is natural, because often we see genius in others and not in ourselves. But you should make your own conclusions.

That’s why I want to walk you through my reasoning and you can decide if this makes sense to you.

The Creator made every species on this earth and resources - that’s a fact.

From the ant to the plant, from the bee to the sea, from the tiger to the spider, from the bear to the mare, from the beagle to the eagle, and from the land to the man.

But Only Humans Were Made in the Creator’s Image

This is a critical idea because this means that all of us have His genes in our DNA

Yes - especially you.

Do you see it now?

  • The Creator made you a Spirit being like Him, and you have GENIUS abilities inside of you - even if you haven’t discovered them yet.

  • But discovering them isn’t always easy because each of us has a unique GENIUS inside of us and most of us don’t know how to access it.

  • I found this out the hard way when I was younger.

I Felt Like Everyone Around Me Had a Gift, But Me

One of my sisters could sing like an angel. Two of my brothers had the gift to play piano by

 ear. And my other sister was incredibly gifted and mature so we knew she would be successful 

at anything she put her mind to.

I felt as though the Creator was saying:

“No gifts for you Calvin!”

  • Their superpowers made me feel average and when I tried to copy the gifts of my family members I failed miserably.

  • I remember being called up at a church musical event to sing a solo. I walked to the mic, opened my mouth, and sounded absolutely horrible.

  • ​All my friends, adults and kids alike, fell to the floor laughing uncontrollably.

 This Convinced Me I Had Nothing of Value to Offer the World

So I walked through the world asking the same questions I’m sure you’ve also ran into:

  • ​Who am I?

  • ​What can I do?

  • ​And why did God put me on this Earth?

Fortunately, soon enough I was able to discover that I had gifts that were as unique and valuable as my family’s musical gifts

I discovered I had an entrepreneurial spirit and realized that the Creator did not withhold gifts from me as I earlier thought.

And I’ve created this course to guide you through the process of discovering the GENIUS inside of you - because I know it’s there, even if you don’t think it is.

This all starts with…

Many of us lose our way when we try to find meaning and purpose by looking outwards. Whether it’s by following “gurus” who seem to have it all together or by trying to mimic the gifts of those around us.

Do you see why this wouldn’t work?

If your true GENIUS is inside of you, you can spend all your time, energy, and efforts searching outside of yourself… and you’ll never find the unique talents God has given you.

But if you want a life filled with purpose, a life where you’re excited to wake up every day and do what God has put you on this Earth to do, a life filled with confidence, joy, and enthusiasm - you have to find your GENIUS.

I would even go as far as to say it’s your duty to do so. All of us have a unique package God has put inside of us to deliver to this Earth, and if you go your entire life ignoring this package inside of you, your life will feel empty and unfulfilling.

A Step-By-Step Process to Discover Your GENIUS

  • There’s good news though.

  • There’s a specific, concrete process you can use to discover, develop, and deploy the GENIUS inside of you - and that’s what I want to share with you inside of this course.

  • ​Once you complete this course you’ll have confidence about the future and know exactly what you need to do to create an impactful, purpose-driven life, and attain personal true freedom.

  • ​You’ll discover the exact GENIUS God has put inside of your DNA and the path he has crafted for you.

  • ​You just have to be willing to take the next step.

Here’s what the KINGDOM GENIUS discovery process looks like: 

Module 1: Kingdom - 

Church Membership vs. Kingdom Citizenship

In this Kingdom Module, you will discover how you, as a Kingdom Citizen, can use the 9 mobile apps within you to manifest Kingdom abundance and why church membership alone is not the solution to living your highest and best life.

Module 2: Gifts -

Everyone has a Specific Package To Deliver To Earth

In this Gifts Module, you will discover why your genius gifts are hidden and get the guaranteed framework to deliver your specific genius package to your target market.

Module 3: Mindset - 

How To Frame Your Life For Success

In this Mindset Module, you will be empowered to align your genius abilities with your Beliefs, Thoughts and Words to rise above your circumstances to Create your Best Life NOW!

Module 4: Purpose -

Discover Your Specific Purpose For Being On Earth’s Surface 

In this Purpose Module, you will discover and answer life’s three most important questions for purpose and significance. You will also learn how your genius supports your purpose to discover who you are, what you can do and why you are here!

Module 5: Righteous Character –

How Character Influences Your Wealth

In this Righteous Character Module you will find out the power of combining your knowledge of righteousness with faith in God, which will give you access to all the rights and privileges to operate in your genius authority. 

Module 6: Marketplace -

Stop Working For Money! Make Money Work For You!

In this Marketplace Module, you will find out how to serve your genius abilities in the Marketplace and discover your true W.E.A.L.T.H.Y. place.

Module 7: Management - 

How Management Increases Your Wealth Opportunity

In this Management Module you will discover how great management ability and becoming skilled and diligent in your genius abilities can bring you into the presence of heads of state and dignitaries by solving their problems. 

How You Can Create Your Best Life Now

  • ​It all starts with framing.

  • When the founding fathers created the US Constitution, they framed it with their beliefs, their thinking and their words.

  • When God created the worlds, he framed them with His faith - His beliefs, His own thinking, and His own words.

  • ​The same applies to your life.

  • ​Your beliefs, your thinking, and your words are what creates your life. If you’re deliberate about them you can frame your best life now - if you know how to do it.

  • ​If you’re not… well, you’ll just keep living exactly how you have been living up to this point. That’s why in this course you’ll be creating your…

My Best Self Now Board

  • ​As you complete each lesson and fill out the prompts, this board will automatically get filled out.

  • Once you’re done, you’ll have a clear, concrete, visual example of what you’re working towards, how you’re going to reach it, and your unique gifts, talents, and goals.

  • Here’s an example of what my board looks like:

Hi,  I’m Coach Cal

When I was younger I thought that everyone in my family had genius abilities but me, but eventually I discovered that wasn’t true.

At 13, I discovered that I had an entrepreneurial spirit. I discovered that I am a self-starter. I discovered that the Creator did not withhold gifts from me as I earlier thought, and that my gifts were just as valid and valuable as my family's musical gifts.

I saw needs in my community such as grass cutting, shoveling snow, and taking out the garbage for my neighbors and I met those needs. Because I was working these jobs, my parents never had to purchase any clothing for me since age 13.

At that point, everything changed!

I discovered my entrepreneurial spirit is God-given. I discovered that the Creator gave everyone, everywhere, gifts that are solutions to problems in our society. My genius gifts are in organization, interpersonal (life coaching), & leadership development. 

But I also realized that many people never discover the gifts the Creator has blessed them with. And that’s exactly why I’ve created this masterclass.

This Program IncludesOver $17,000 In Value!

If you add up everything you'll get out of the Kingdom Genius Package, you'll get...

  • Module 1: Kingdom Citizenship in this module you will develop your Heaven-on-Earth Mindset (value: $2,699)

  • Module 2: Discovering Your God-Given Gifts in this module you'll discover what your God-given gifts are, how to dive into and refine them, and how to activate your personal authority (value $2,399)

  • Module 3: Shifting Your Mindset in this module you'll discover how to eliminate the self-limiting beliefs that are holding you back, how to control your mindset, and how to develop the thoughts and beliefs you need to create a successful life (value $2,199)

  • ​Module 4: Revealing Your True Purpose in this module you'll start to put everything you learned together to reveal why you were put on this earth and how you can start walking in your purpose TODAY (value $2,599)

  • ​Module 5: Developing Your Righteous Character in this module you'll discover the core characteristics of leaders, how to focus your moral conscience, and use it to grow into who you're meant to. be (value $2,399)

  • Module 6: Making It In The Marketplace in this module you'll discover how to turn your gifts into viable revenue streams so that you're no longer working for money but money is working for you (value $2,699)

  • Module 7: Management in this module you'll discover how to leverage everything you've discovered to work for you the rest of your life. This is not a short-term win, this is a lifetime solution (value $2,450)

Everything included comes out to $17,444 and the truth is, if you complete this course correctly, it could end upbeing worth a lot more to you.
But $17,444 NOT what you will pay today.




Or Two payments for $797

On This Page ONLY (usually $2,997)

  • Self-paced course: Complete Lifetime Access to the Program

  • Lifetime Access to Digital Downloads, Worksheets, and Exercises

  • ​9 Modules of Course Content

  • 8 Animated Video Lessons + 30 Homework Guidance Videos

  • ​​Post-Course Completion: +60 Days Free Access To The Kingdom Genius Community

  • ​Direct Email Access to Coach Cal for questions for 60 days

  • ​31 Days of Genius affirmations

  • ​Course Completion Certificate

But that's not all you'll get!

When you join the Kingdom Genius Community today, you'll also get these exclusive bonus offers:

  • FREE Ticket to the 3-Day Kingdom Genius Discovery Event where you'll work with others in the community to uncover your unique genius abilities and build your confidence to pursue them so that you can achieve what's on your vision board (value: $1,947) 

  • Weekly LIVE Group Coaching for 60 days to help you zero in on what your God-given talents are and get all of your questions answered along the way (value $547)

  • ​EXCLUSIVE Insights from Simon T. Bailey who has taken the course and provides valuable perspectives through mini video trainings on every module throughout the program (value $997)

That's over $3,000 in FREE gifts when you join the Kingdom Genius Community.

The 100% Kingdom Satisfaction Guarantee

I know the material in this course works… but I also know you can’t know that yourself until you’re inside the course. That’s why I want to offer a Find Out And Decide guarantee. You can join now, try out the exercises, watch the videos, and go through the process for 30 days… and if you’re unsatisfied for any reason just email me for a full refund.


How do I know this course will work for me?

This course isn't based on theory or something that's only worked for one person. It's based on YOU - Your Own Uniqueness, and the genius the Creator already put inside of you. I've combined these concepts with my own experience as an entrepreneur for the most efficient and effective way to discover your hidden genius and create the life you want.

Is there a money back guarantee?

Yes! If you're unhappy with the course for any reason, just email me within 30 days of purchase for a full refund.

How long will this course take to complete?

I didn't design this course to be something you take once and never come back to. I created it as a resource you can come back to over and over again as you progress through different stages in your life. That said, you can complete your first pass-through of this course in 4-8 weeks and then go through it again as you need a refresher.

© Kingdom Genius 2024